Peterboro and Longaberger Baskets {Painting}


Peterboro Baskets!   Some may call this company the step-sister of the larger known company Longaberger.   They definitely do not get the attention that the Dresden baskets do, nor are they as expensive.  The great news about both…..they are both made in America.  Peterboro is nestled in picturesque New England, and Longaberger is in my home state of Ohio.   Seven…..eight years ago they were extremely popular…..parties being held around every corner, and in every neighborhood.  I will admit, I even hosted a party.  Thought they were the neatest baskets and I craved them…..for display…for organization……  unfortunately, my pocketbook  couldn’t afford to collect these beauties!

Peterboro Baskets

I will have to admit though….I do own 3 Longaberger baskets…..not alot by industry standards.  Do I use all of them?     Nope!      In fact, I even have one (I think it is called the sewing or knitting basket) that has never seen the light of day.  Can you believe I admitted that?

I do however, have countless Peterboro baskets that I purchased at their factory.  The joy of this factory…buying the ‘seconds’!!   I love finding great quality for very little $$$$!  They have been put to great use over the years….storing scrapbooking supplies, serving food, stuffed full of crayons/paints/markers…….you name it these baskets have held it!  In swapping our offices this summer, I became a little dismayed by a few….not because of their durability….they were still going strong, but by their color.  The wood was too light in color for where I wanted to use them!!    Visions of dark stains began dancing in my head.  Everyone knows my favorite color is black!

Paint Techniques

I can’t believe I haven’t tackled this project before!   But let’s be honest, I was sweating bullets about ruining the baskets.  They are good little baskets, served me well….and I didn’t want to think about having to throw them away if they didn’t turn out to my expectations.

Nothing ventured….nothing gained!! 

Buuuuuttttt….. I am doing a test run with only one of the Peterboro baskets.

I went to one of my favorite products, Decorative Effects Antiquing Glaze.  Took the basket, glaze and an old dishtowel outside on the deck last weekend.  I poured a small amount in a bowl and start rubbing the glaze into the basket, waited a few minutes and then wiped off any of the excess.

Painting Techniques

Definitely NOT feeling this stain!   I had a few momonts of regret…….but then quickly hunted down my spare black spray paint.

I always have black spray paint on hand!  Don’t you?  This is my go to for many home improvement projects.  It is the foundation of many of my crafting and decorating projects.  It is great to use as a basecoat, layering and blending many paints on top.  The beauty of it…..if you don’t like the finished product….just spray paint over it!!!  Love it!!!

Painting a Peterboro BasketI did 2 light coats using the spray paint.  This paint was VERY flat….perfect for scuffing up with sandpaper.  You can distress this a little around the corners and edges, or you can go sandpaper happy and make it look like it has gone through many years of abuse.  I chose to do a happy medium.  Because I wanted it to be durable, and didn’t want the paint to have any chance of flaking off or leaving a residue, I finished it off with a a few coats of clear sealant.

Painted Peterboro Basket

Function meets practicality with a little bit of creativity and resourcefulness…..brought new life into this sweet little basket.  I love the distressed look.  This beauty will find a home nestled next to my laptop….holding odds and ends, but more than likely holding my vast array of magnifying/reader glasses!  LOL!

If you own a multitude of weary, tired looking Peterboro or Longaberger Baskets…….DO NOT BE AFRAID TO BREATHE NEW LIFE INTO THEM.  I know many of you will cringe at the thought of painting these baskets.  Better to be painted and put to use, versus the original ash or maple and sitting in a storage room.  Don’t you think?

Do you all have something you breathed new life into with just a little bit of paint?  Share your project stories?


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3 thoughts on “Peterboro and Longaberger Baskets {Painting}

  1. Pingback: Decorating With Baskets | House on the Way

  2. Pingback: Decorating With Baskets | House on the Way

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