I thought it would be fun to take a look at some products and items that I cannot live without (at least for the moment)!
Kind of like being in the movies’, at a party……. and taking a sneak peak into your hosts medicine cabinets. Come on, you know you have done it at least once!! 😉
Just so you know…..this is just me passing on some love. I have received NADA for any of these recommendations! Just thought it would be fun every now and then to show you what I personally use and love…….
#1 Vega One All-in-One Nutritional Shake
I found Vega One while surfing the internet last winter. I was so intrigued by it being a plant based protein powder that is free of dairy, gluten, soy! It also doesn’t contain any added sugar, artificial flavors and colors. Did I happen to mention it has ZERO sweeteners?
I ordered the Vega One all-in-one Nutritional Shake in the chocolate flavor, and was using it as a quick breakfast …… cause we all know I am a dawdler in the mornings, preferring to read and sip my coffee for as looong as possible 😉 ….. mixing it with unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Since then I have added to our pantry the Vega Sport Performance Protein for the boys to use after their workouts, and boxes of individual packets in the natural and vanilla flavors. I have been using the individual packets for my smoothies and to BAKE with! You heard me right, I have been experimenting with substituting protein powder for the flour. Some have been clunkers, and others (like my Raspberry Blueberry Muffins) have been amazing! I hope to post my recipe soon.
#2 Porter Cable 20V Lithium Ion 4-Tool Combo Kit
OMG…..I love my new Porter Cable tools. If you follow me on Instagram, then you will know that PT bought me an uber expensive 20V drill. Only problem….I needed a drill/driver combo. One that will actually drill the hole, and then allow me to drive in the screw. I was extremely gracious with the thank you’s, but headed back to Lowe’s first chance I got to make the exchange.
I have no idea who helped me out, but I owe him a huge thank you, as I love this Porter Cable drill/driver, and the best part is…… it came in a 4 piece set for basically the same price as the original drill he bought me. Woo Hoo!! Not only do I have an awesome drill, but now I have a new circular saw, recip saw (a neighbor calls it a saw-saw), and a pivoting head flashlight. Now when I want to make things like this, this and even the frames for these, I am ready. I didn’t think I would ever use the flashlight, but so far it is the most used tool out of this combo kit. I can’t tell you how powerful I feel when I have this drill in my hand, making quick work out of adding in additional brackets to our shed door, and even installing organizational items to the garage and shed. These beauties will be getting quite the workout when I start on the ‘built in bookcases’ around our fireplace. Thank you PT and boys! The best part is the price! Definitely more bang for the buck versus some of the other tool lines out there on the market.
#3 Omron Pedometer
It really gets depressing seeing how little you actually walk everyday, especially during the work week! This pedometer was a gift from my Dad this past Spring, and seeing the ultra low numbers really depressed me. I am just about embarrassed to say that there were many, many….ok, let’s get real and say 5 days a week….that I was only seeing 850 steps on this Omron. I told you….depressing! Not the pedometer’s fault….totally mine! I sit behind a computer for 8 + hours a day, very rarely leaving for lunch! Bad, bad, bad! You know it and I know it, but I have been in this vicious cycle for way too long.
I challenged myself to “move it” this summer, walking or cycling to work. I made great progress prior to our vacation, walking Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; breaking it up a little by riding my bike on Wednesdays. I only live a mile and a half from my job, but would more often than not run errands before heading home for the day. Walking to the grocery store truly curbs ‘extra’ purchases, as I had to carry them home! Made that mistake a couple of times and cursed myself out the entire way home. I know that I could have called PT to come and get me, but that would have been defeating my purpose. I think the worst was when I walked to the library before vacation, coming away with 10 hardback books. LOL!
Why do I like this model? Besides the fact that it was a gift! It is easy to program, resets itself at midnight, and tracks 7 days worth of data. I can go into the menu to refresh my memory on what I did 5 days ago. AWESOME! Look at the picture. Doesn’t it look like a face that is frowning? This frown actually helps me to walk more steps. The frown never turns to a smile, but it does actually motivate me a little! What is the most steps that I took this summer? 18,750 What was my norm? 12,500 I can get this number if I walk to work and head to the bank and Kroger before heading back home. I won’t be able to do this since the kids are back in school, as I will be heading to way too many meetings. If I plan things right, Friday’s could be the day to ditch the car……..
#4 Sunlily Bifocal Sunglass Readers
I am one of those people who can’t read anything anymore without magnifiers on her nose. The problem is, I am not ready for bifocals. It has been recommended for a few years now, but I continue to resist. Instead, I am that crazy lady who will have a couple of glasses on her head……sometimes even doubling up to see the computer!! Reading outside on a sunny day has always been a hassle. I would buy the largest sunglasses that I could find, just so that I could have readers on underneath. Like I said, wearing 2 pairs of glasses = crazy lady!
The ‘girls’ were out and about down in the Gulf Shores this summer, and as usual I am looking for things for the boys, when my friend points out some sun glass readers, suggesting that I try them on. I think she was giving me a subtle hint that the crazy look has to go. HA!
So thankful they didn’t have +2.0 in stock for the ones I picked out, as they were $29, teeny tiny, and the entire shade was the reader. That is a lot of money to spend on readers. Right??
I hit the jackpot at the next stop (after she gave me the hint, I was all over getting a pair) with these Sunlily Bifocal Readers. Not only are they the perfect beach wear…..pink and white…..but they are large enough to cover your entire eye, with the bottom 1/3 acting as the reader. Perfect!! I googled Sunlily to try and find out who makes them, but came up empty handed. I do know that you can get them on Amazon, and some Ebay sites if you are interested. Of course, you can always go down to the Gulf Shores for a little R & R, and buy them there! 😉 I don’t think you can beat the price at $14.99, and they even came with a cute ‘faux leather’ case to protect them. My favorite purchase on our vacation for sure!!
#5 Best in Show Dog Grooming 
You are only going to benefit from these fabulous groomers if you a) have a dog, and b) you live in the Cincinnati region. They truly are the best and I am very thankful for them. After his first haircut from a nightmare groomer (loved the idea that she would come to our house, but hated the fact that she hit him a couple of times. If she was comfortable hitting him in my presence, god only knew what she would do if I wasn’t around!!), Best in Show was recommended by my neighbor who has been bringing her dog to them for years.
Rudy LOVES getting his haircut. The picture doesn’t represent his true joy…he is just really irritated that once again I was wanting to take his picture! You cannot go wrong by bringing your furry family member to them. Not only are they patient and loving, but they cut the hair in the front room, so anyone coming in and passing by can see how they treat the dogs. I also have to say that I love the price. To get Rudy cut (yes, I take him virtually to a buzz cut), nails trimmed, ears looked at and washed/dried it runs me $30. The other places I called were running upwards of $40-$45, and didn’t cut the nails. Ouch! If you give them a try….tell them Mr. Rudy sent you!
I hope you enjoyed a sneak into what I am loving lately! Just a little something that I thought would be fun.
Reading your article, make me realize that I need a pedometer too! I had always wanted one. I had the Nike bracelet but you need to have your running shoes for the track device. (this is more like for someone who runs) Thanks for remind me that I REALLY REALLY need one. I had become a coach potato lately 🙂
Remy recently posted…Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation
The Nike bracelet would never work for me, as I wear heals quite a bit. No where to stick the tracking device. =)