Hey all! I have such a fun project to share with you today! It is going to make you wish that you moved around alot…….. ………AND kept all of the license plates with each house you packed up! If you … Continue reading
Hey all! I have such a fun project to share with you today! It is going to make you wish that you moved around alot…….. ………AND kept all of the license plates with each house you packed up! If you … Continue reading
I hope you all are looking forward to the weekend that is just around the corner! 😉 I am heading North to visit with my parents…….with the additional bonus of seeing B there as well! He had this weekend with … Continue reading
I had a “first” a few weeks ago, when I attended Miami Universities annual auction. We have lived here for just about 16 years, and I have never gone. I know…..get out of here!!!! What took me sooooo long?? I … Continue reading
I hope you are all having a great week so far! I have to laugh at myself as I declared how happy I was that it was summertime in my last post, and how I loved having the sun shining … Continue reading
I have to tell you that I am still on such a high from my Goodwill “find” a few Friday’s ago. Wasn’t even on my radar to go! In fact, I was heading to a Restore that I haven’t had … Continue reading
I still can’t believe that I did it! I might even declare temporary insanity if you ask about it today! I also can’t believe PT actually allowed me to do it!! I have loved this bed even before we found … Continue reading
Hi all!!!! Remember me telling you that I bought something uber exciting from the ReStore a couple of weeks ago?? If you need a refresher, go on over here…. I will wait for you! Okay, maybe it was a little … Continue reading
TGIF! This may be the first time that I have wished a week to fly by! I can’t believe I just said that! Trust me….it will be the only week that I count down the days. On second thought…..I have … Continue reading
Do you ever see something in a magazine, or on the internet, and instantly know that you will be recreating it? Something about it just speaks to you, even calling your name? You know exactly where it will go … Continue reading
Creative Photo Display using Crib Springs! Yep, you heard me right! I know you still have a crib hanging out in the attic or storage room waiting for sweet baby #2, #3 or even #4! Yes? No? Maybe! Heck, I … Continue reading
Once upon a time, I saved some gorgeous doors from having an unlikely meet up with the garbage man…….Rumpke. These doors were off of K’s first chest of drawers, and saw quite the beating from my young man! I believe … Continue reading
Gotta love it when you can repurpose an item that had just been hanging around taking up valuable space collecting dust! I originally bought this open-backed picture frame ions ago, creating a cork board with it. Loved the frame……hated it … Continue reading