Fourth of July is quickly upon us, and I know you all are either hosting a celebration or are heading to one!! Right? Grilling……… hamburgers, hot dogs, and bratwurst are the usual fare, but I am telling you……you are going … Continue reading
Fourth of July is quickly upon us, and I know you all are either hosting a celebration or are heading to one!! Right? Grilling……… hamburgers, hot dogs, and bratwurst are the usual fare, but I am telling you……you are going … Continue reading
Did I really say the other day that I was so glad that Christmas was over? I can’t believe I said that, but I trust that you understood my excitement with the Coaster project, right? LOL! Truth be told, I … Continue reading
Our summer days are dwindling down……sigh!!! B and K start back up on the 20th, and PT is already back at school (complaining about the new standardized tests that he has to teach to, and who in the hell heck … Continue reading
It is an absolutely gorgeous day outside! I have the air-conditioner turned off, windows wide open….breathing in all that wonderful fresh air!! We have all had an extremely HOT summer, and I am going to enjoy this 80 degree weather … Continue reading