Are you baking up a storm, getting ready for Christmas next week? Hard to believe it is only 7 days away!! EEEEKKKK! I still have tons of gifts to buy and make! Why did I wait until the last minute??? … Continue reading
Are you baking up a storm, getting ready for Christmas next week? Hard to believe it is only 7 days away!! EEEEKKKK! I still have tons of gifts to buy and make! Why did I wait until the last minute??? … Continue reading
This is the first time I ventured into baking for my furry kid, and I must say….I sorta liked it. It made me feel good knowing that I was giving the Rude Meister treats that have absolutely zero fillers and … Continue reading
Did you all know that it was National Peanut Butter Day? Seriously…..who knew we had National Food Holidays! I absolutely LOVE IT! Every day of the year we get to celebrate a different food! Every….single…..day! March 9 happens to be … Continue reading
The title says it all doesn’t it? You truly cannot go wrong when combining Oreo’s, Peanut Butter and Fudge, and these Oreo Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes will not disappoint! I promise! For those wishing for a Healthy Inspiration Tuesday … Continue reading
Salted Caramel Peanut Butter Cup Blossoms {Wicked Weekend} Who doesn’t love chocolate, peanut butter and caramel? Separately they are delicious and truly tempt the pallet; all three combined seriously send the taste buds into overdrive. Remember what I said about … Continue reading
Chocolate Chip-Peanut Butter Cup Sandwiches definitely qualify for being Wicked……..and…… It is the weekend….soooooo….. Wicked Weekend is back and has a new contender! These couldn’t be any easier, and all because I wanted to make ice cream sandwiches……AND had some … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #4 If you don’t know my family, then you wouldn’t know that for every peanut butter recipe I create, or BORROW, I also have to make one without. You see, K….my youngest….is allergic to peanuts and ALL tree … Continue reading
I think this is the first Easter that my Mom and Dad have not spent it with us. That may be an exageration, but it has been at least since Nigel killed the Easter Bunny in ’07. The boys … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #3 In honor of Easter, I wanted to turn my favorite peanut butter cup recipe into chocolate easter eggs. What I didn’t plan on was an overheated kitchen—the oven being used all morning/afternoon and an unusually hot day…..what … Continue reading
Okay, I have become a Pinterest addict! How in the world does anyone get anything done when there is a sea of creativity floating out there on the internet? It sucked me in hook, line and sinker! My Boards and my … Continue reading
Here goes nothing….you only get one chance to make the first impression. I have been hemming and hawing about doing a blog. I don’t know why, even if no one else sees it, it is a chance to post recipes, … Continue reading