Big Batch Chili…. This is my all-time favorite chili recipe that I have been using for years! It is perfect when you have a crowd to feed. Whether it be for a tail-gating party on a cold, windy day….or you … Continue reading
Big Batch Chili…. This is my all-time favorite chili recipe that I have been using for years! It is perfect when you have a crowd to feed. Whether it be for a tail-gating party on a cold, windy day….or you … Continue reading
I love chicken salad, and this Jalapeno Chicken Salad ranks very high on my list. It is a keeper, and I have been making it for years. Chicken Salad is very versatile and can be eaten as a salad, on crackers for … Continue reading
Time management has flown out the window at the Tafelski household, which makes these Homemade “Freezer” Smoothie Packets an absolute godsend! After doing the 7 day fruit and veggie detox/cleanse, I have been having a smoothie for breakfast each morning. … Continue reading
Rene’s Coleslaw…… I have to be honest….I have no idea who Rene is, and I really don’t care! What I do know is she created an amazing coleslaw!! Isn’t it gorgeous? Don’t you love all the colors? I am in … Continue reading
You say Tortilla Bowls, I say Taco Bowls…… Who doesn’t love these golden, crispy bowls? Who sometimes orders taco salad just to eat the bowl? Better yet……who breaks apart the tortilla bowl and uses the pieces to ‘spoon’ the salad? Me, me, me….. … Continue reading
Our summer days are dwindling down……sigh!!! B and K start back up on the 20th, and PT is already back at school (complaining about the new standardized tests that he has to teach to, and who in the hell heck … Continue reading
It is an absolutely gorgeous day outside! I have the air-conditioner turned off, windows wide open….breathing in all that wonderful fresh air!! We have all had an extremely HOT summer, and I am going to enjoy this 80 degree weather … Continue reading
Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies! I told you all Saturday I was going to make cookies using my homemade vanilla extract. If you missed the post, you can read all about it here. All I can say is AMAZING!!!!! I have … Continue reading
Buried Treasure can mean a lot of different things to many people. Some of us bury time capsules for future generations, kids hide trinkets to play ‘pirates and cops/robbers’, dogs hide their favorite bones. In my world (short-sighted that it is), the … Continue reading