Merry Christmas Eve everyone! This is the day where most of us are running around trying to tie up loose ends for tomorrow. My family is still snuggled under the covers, but for some reason my internal clock said to … Continue reading
Merry Christmas Eve everyone! This is the day where most of us are running around trying to tie up loose ends for tomorrow. My family is still snuggled under the covers, but for some reason my internal clock said to … Continue reading
I hope you all had a good weekend! We went to K’s hockey games Friday night and Sunday afternoon, but took a detour to the Dayton area Saturday night by attending the Trans Siberian Orchestra at the Nutter Center. Kind … Continue reading
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and enjoying this quiet time before New Year’s Day! We spent Christmas down in Atlanta with PT’s side of the family, and although my niece and nephew are adorable and we don’t … Continue reading
Hi! I hope you all had a great weekend! We had a very quiet one filled with snow, ice …. with a few hockey games sprinkled in for good measure. I love weekends where there isn’t much going on, and … Continue reading
This Upside Down Apple Pie seriously could turn me into a pie enthusiast! This is the perfect apple pie for any occasion…..Christmas….Thanksgiving…..New Year’s Eve…..Fourth of July! Even PT’s birthday! That’s right, it’s PT’s birthday today! Do you know how he … Continue reading
We are almost a month into the New Year, and I know all of you are being so good on your New Year’s Resolution’s….. =) Or are you???? Have you fallen off the wagon already? That … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #8 I am in love and I want to scream it from the rooftops! No, I am not going to tell you how wonderful PT is. Although, he is pretty darn fantastic! Definitely a keeper, or as I … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #4 If you don’t know my family, then you wouldn’t know that for every peanut butter recipe I create, or BORROW, I also have to make one without. You see, K….my youngest….is allergic to peanuts and ALL tree … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #3 In honor of Easter, I wanted to turn my favorite peanut butter cup recipe into chocolate easter eggs. What I didn’t plan on was an overheated kitchen—the oven being used all morning/afternoon and an unusually hot day…..what … Continue reading