I am so excited to find Minute Rice latest product……Minute Ready to Serve Rice.……ready in the microwave in just 60 seconds! I will have to confess that after getting home from work, I do not have the mental or physical … Continue reading
I am so excited to find Minute Rice latest product……Minute Ready to Serve Rice.……ready in the microwave in just 60 seconds! I will have to confess that after getting home from work, I do not have the mental or physical … Continue reading
Big Batch Chili…. This is my all-time favorite chili recipe that I have been using for years! It is perfect when you have a crowd to feed. Whether it be for a tail-gating party on a cold, windy day….or you … Continue reading
You can all blame PT’s 6th period class for the creation of Buckle up for this Sweet Ride “bitty bite” Oreo Cupcakes! Definitely Wicked Weekend worthy!!! What a name? Why not just call it mini oreo cupcakes? Come on….you know … Continue reading
Rene’s Coleslaw…… I have to be honest….I have no idea who Rene is, and I really don’t care! What I do know is she created an amazing coleslaw!! Isn’t it gorgeous? Don’t you love all the colors? I am in … Continue reading
You say Tortilla Bowls, I say Taco Bowls…… Who doesn’t love these golden, crispy bowls? Who sometimes orders taco salad just to eat the bowl? Better yet……who breaks apart the tortilla bowl and uses the pieces to ‘spoon’ the salad? Me, me, me….. … Continue reading
Chocolate Chip-Peanut Butter Cup Sandwiches definitely qualify for being Wicked……..and…… It is the weekend….soooooo….. Wicked Weekend is back and has a new contender! These couldn’t be any easier, and all because I wanted to make ice cream sandwiches……AND had some … Continue reading
Our summer days are dwindling down……sigh!!! B and K start back up on the 20th, and PT is already back at school (complaining about the new standardized tests that he has to teach to, and who in the hell heck … Continue reading
Homemade Madagascar Vanilla Extract….using Vodka? Did I just say I used alcohol to make my very own vanilla? I am still shaking my head thinking about it. Why didn’t I think about this before? After going thru many….many bottles of vanilla, some … Continue reading
What is Black n’ Blue and red all over? If childhood memory serves me correctly…..it is newspaper print. I know, I know….where am I coming up with this stuff? That is what we get when I stay up waaaaaaay past … Continue reading
Chicken Cordon Bleu Crescent Rolls I hope all of you had a fun, safe Independence Day!? It was a slow day for us, not much going on. PT and I puttered around the house, while B and K braved the suffocating, … Continue reading
I have come to the realization that I have to give up the Wicked series! Family life is so crazy and hectic during the week, leaving me zero time to prepare the Wicked Weekend post ahead of time. Saturday morning usually finds … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #12 I am so excited for this day! B and I are heading down to Brentwood, TN! Purpose of our trip——-hockey, of course! When doesn’t our life revolve around hockey! Benefit——I get to see my sister, celebrate my … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #11 These brownies bring you straight back to your childhood…..your inner child screaming for just one more! If only I had the metabolism of yesteryear to eat these at whim. LOL! I first saw these brownies years ago … Continue reading