I don’t know about you all, but after being in the kitchen baking up a storm for the Holidays, I crave meals that are quick and easy. This flat bread pizza does not disappoint, and will be ready start to … Continue reading
I don’t know about you all, but after being in the kitchen baking up a storm for the Holidays, I crave meals that are quick and easy. This flat bread pizza does not disappoint, and will be ready start to … Continue reading
The title says it all doesn’t it? You truly cannot go wrong when combining Oreo’s, Peanut Butter and Fudge, and these Oreo Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes will not disappoint! I promise! For those wishing for a Healthy Inspiration Tuesday … Continue reading
Nothing welcomes in the Fall Season, Halloween and Thanksgiving more than this {Pay Day} Candy Corn and Peanuts Snack Mix! Let me tell you a secret……I am not a candy corn fan! Huh!? I might be that single person who … Continue reading
Rene’s Coleslaw…… I have to be honest….I have no idea who Rene is, and I really don’t care! What I do know is she created an amazing coleslaw!! Isn’t it gorgeous? Don’t you love all the colors? I am in … Continue reading
Chocolate Chip-Peanut Butter Cup Sandwiches definitely qualify for being Wicked……..and…… It is the weekend….soooooo….. Wicked Weekend is back and has a new contender! These couldn’t be any easier, and all because I wanted to make ice cream sandwiches……AND had some … Continue reading
Our summer days are dwindling down……sigh!!! B and K start back up on the 20th, and PT is already back at school (complaining about the new standardized tests that he has to teach to, and who in the hell heck … Continue reading
What is Black n’ Blue and red all over? If childhood memory serves me correctly…..it is newspaper print. I know, I know….where am I coming up with this stuff? That is what we get when I stay up waaaaaaay past … Continue reading
Fun ‘Fetti Ice Cream Pizza—-definitely a Wicked Weekend kind of recipe! Have you ever drawn a blank on what to make for a party or get together? I had zero inspiration flowing through my body….walking around holding a brownie box, … Continue reading
Chicken Cordon Bleu Crescent Rolls I hope all of you had a fun, safe Independence Day!? It was a slow day for us, not much going on. PT and I puttered around the house, while B and K braved the suffocating, … Continue reading
I have come to the realization that I have to give up the Wicked series! Family life is so crazy and hectic during the week, leaving me zero time to prepare the Wicked Weekend post ahead of time. Saturday morning usually finds … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #12 I am so excited for this day! B and I are heading down to Brentwood, TN! Purpose of our trip——-hockey, of course! When doesn’t our life revolve around hockey! Benefit——I get to see my sister, celebrate my … Continue reading
Remember me telling you all, on Facebook, about the amazing zucchini fries I made last week? They were so scrumptious I made them again! It didn’t help matters that I was staring at the leftover carmelized onion dip every time … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #10 I hope all of you have some fantastic plans for this Memorial Weekend! I kicked off the weekend by going to a pool party with B. We missed PT, but he was better off resting in bed…hoping … Continue reading