Did you do any Black Friday shopping yesterday? I did not…..as I prefer the comfort of my home…..and tend to do most of my shopping online, so Cyber Monday is right up my alley! I have an awesome treat for … Continue reading
Did you do any Black Friday shopping yesterday? I did not…..as I prefer the comfort of my home…..and tend to do most of my shopping online, so Cyber Monday is right up my alley! I have an awesome treat for … Continue reading
Some days just require a creamy…..rich…..velvety smooth bite of heaven! Other days may require more than just one bite. Know what I mean? 😉 Don’t you agree that the simpler the cheesecake the better? Letting the fresh cream cheese stand … Continue reading
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and enjoying this quiet time before New Year’s Day! We spent Christmas down in Atlanta with PT’s side of the family, and although my niece and nephew are adorable and we don’t … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #7 To quote Nestle, the company that makes ice cream Dibs, these are “Poppable, tossable, and totally delectable”. If only they were calorie free! Here is a picture of the Nestle Dibs….notice they are finger portion sized…just right for … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #6 I have made these twice in the past few weeks. The first go round for a work function, and the second for a dear friend who had the audacity to move away from me 5 (ish) years ago. I … Continue reading