Just a few words on this gorgeous Sunday morning….. Being woken up in the middle of the night is not fun! Having it happen two nights in a row is just plain RUDE! Having to call ‘911’ the second night … Continue reading
Just a few words on this gorgeous Sunday morning….. Being woken up in the middle of the night is not fun! Having it happen two nights in a row is just plain RUDE! Having to call ‘911’ the second night … Continue reading
I have a confession to make on this cold, frozen Sunday…… ……I am in serious withdrawal from the television show “This is Us”! I have not been drawn into the lives of fictional characters since “Brothers & Sisters” first aired … Continue reading
Just a few quick observations on this crisp, chilly Saturday morning! Why do people vandalize? B woke up Monday morning to see this………. Not something that I wanted to deal with on only 1 cup of coffee! Turns out that … Continue reading
Can you believe it is February? ……..and it is already the 7th? Me neither!! January just flew right by, not even giving me a chance to grab onto its coat tails and enjoy the scenic ride! I know……that was … Continue reading
I still might be the last one to have zero xmas decorations up! Or am I? There has to be someone else out there who has been super busy……. and hasn’t had time to even think about it. Okay, let … Continue reading
I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving with family and/or friends! My parents are down for a few days, and PT’s Mom and significant other were able to join us for the day yesterday. Great day with lots of … Continue reading
This week we honored the Veteran’s in our Country…….and in our lives! I had the honor of attending our local celebration, and listening to a heartfelt letter from one of our high school students……. …….I was also given the opportunity … Continue reading
I hope you had a great Halloween weekend! I cannot believe we are already in November with the holidays fast approaching!! Say it Ain’t So!! Not ready…….Not ready!! 😉 Speaking of Halloween…….I love these plywood cutouts that our neighbor displays … Continue reading
Happy Tuesday!! I hope that you were able to jump the sluggish hurdle we all call Monday, and the rest of the week is smooth sailing for you! I took a very quick…. fun filled….. trip to Greenville, SC with … Continue reading
After years of drooling, look what finally made it onto Dana Drive! Here are two smaller ones lining the other wall…. I haven’t organized and styled these yet, but am so happy these Ballard style shelves turned out as well … Continue reading
Happy Friday! I feel like it has been forever since I have spoken to you all! What have I been up to? A little of this……a little of that! A lot of puttering around, getting a few things started, but … Continue reading