Happy New Year! Are you still writing 2015 on all your documents? LOL! It usually takes me until the end of January to get with the program and write down the correct year……. …….BUT for some strange reason, … Continue reading
Happy New Year! Are you still writing 2015 on all your documents? LOL! It usually takes me until the end of January to get with the program and write down the correct year……. …….BUT for some strange reason, … Continue reading
I have to admit that I was a mad woman before the Holidays, trying to get projects wrapped up before hosting some of my family members for Christmas. I can’t complain, or even gripe in the slightest, as I caused … Continue reading
I hope you all are staying nice and warm where you live! We had our first official snow storm last night totaling about 5 inches. No big deal for some parts of the world, but in Southern Ohio it seems … Continue reading
This is the story of how I wanted to suspend a shower curtain from the ceiling, and couldn’t find any hardware to work…….at least in my price range! LOL! Isn’t that the story of my life! Someone once called me … Continue reading
This one is for my Mom, who thinks I am nuts for combining 2 different fabrics to make a shower curtain, AND suspending the whole thing from the ceiling. Phewww! That was a mouthful!! Well, we all know that I … Continue reading
If you haven’t noticed….I seem to have checked out lately! Total break from handheld devices, the internet and this blog. It was totally unintentional, but after long days at work, finishing up some projects around the house, the only thing … Continue reading
Our master bathroom was no where on our radar this year! Didn’t want to even think about it as there were so many other projects on the list for 2014, and even though I have said PT has mucho patience……with … Continue reading
I hope you all are having a great week! We are getting dumped on once again, and I have to say I am getting tired of it. I at least have to be thankful that we do not live in … Continue reading
This gallery contains 12 photos.
Little girls dream of the perfect wedding, and collect picture after picture of bridal gowns and ideas. Grown woman dream of the perfect home to encircle their loved ones, and collect countless decorating pictures. I currently have three binders full … Continue reading