Cafe’ Blueberry Bars

Wicked Weekend #13….a little late! What a whirlwind of a week!  B and I had a great time in Nashville….  Helped my sister out at the YWCA Celebrity Auction at the CMA Fest.  They netted over $80,000 for great programs helping women … Continue reading

Butterfinger and Caramel Bites!

Wicked Weekend #12 I am so excited for this day! B and I are heading down to Brentwood, TN! Purpose of our trip——-hockey, of course!  When doesn’t our life revolve around hockey! Benefit——I get to see my sister, celebrate my … Continue reading

Fun ‘Fetti’ Brownies

Brownie with Toffe and m&m's

Wicked Weekend #11 These brownies bring you straight back to your childhood…..your inner child screaming for just one more! If only I had the metabolism of yesteryear to eat these at whim.  LOL! I first saw these brownies years ago … Continue reading

Just a Matter of Thyme Grilled Chicken


Just a Matter of Thyme Grilled Chicken!     Who comes up with these names?    Not very original, I know!   These days my brain often freezes (some even say chemo brain….and some just say old age is gettin’ to you girlfriend), and instead of … Continue reading

Zucchini Fries with Carmelized Onion Dip

Remember me telling you all, on Facebook, about the amazing zucchini fries I made last week?  They were so scrumptious I made them again!  It didn’t help matters that I was staring at the leftover carmelized onion dip every time … Continue reading

Legendary Chocolate Chip Cookies

Wicked Weekend #10 I hope all of you have some fantastic plans for this Memorial Weekend!  I kicked off the weekend by going to a pool party with B.  We missed PT, but he was better off resting in bed…hoping … Continue reading

Strawberry Mango Salad

Strawberry Mango Salad

I am one of the odd people who adore salads, and can easily turn it into a full course meal.   Pasta, potato, coleslaw…..this list can go on and on.   My all time favorite, though,  happens to be any combination of lettuces, mixture of … Continue reading

What does it feel like to have cancer? —PART 2

    I hope everyone is up for round #2.  You won’t hurt my feelings if you delete or ignore this, I completely understand.  I am doing this for me, not you.  Each word I write is a seed being planted, waiting  … Continue reading

Cake pops…where have you been all my life?

Wicked Weekend #8 I am in love and I want to scream it from the rooftops! No, I am not going to tell you how wonderful PT is.      Although, he is pretty darn fantastic!     Definitely a keeper, or as I … Continue reading

Poppable, tossable & totally delectable Cheesecake ‘Dibs’

Wicked Weekend #7 To quote Nestle, the company that makes ice cream Dibs, these are “Poppable, tossable, and totally delectable”.  If only they were calorie free! Here is a picture of the Nestle Dibs….notice they are finger portion sized…just right for … Continue reading