I hope you are all having a great week! We are passed the hurdle and the weekend is right around the corner! YEAH!!! It seems like I am a little…. okay A LOT….. behind these days. Doesn’t help when our … Continue reading
I hope you are all having a great week! We are passed the hurdle and the weekend is right around the corner! YEAH!!! It seems like I am a little…. okay A LOT….. behind these days. Doesn’t help when our … Continue reading
Are you baking up a storm, getting ready for Christmas next week? Hard to believe it is only 7 days away!! EEEEKKKK! I still have tons of gifts to buy and make! Why did I wait until the last minute??? … Continue reading
I know you have all seen these Oreo Truffles everywhere ….. on the internet …… at your friends houses’…… and have probably even made them countless times in your own home. I couldn’t resist posting this recipe! Not only does … Continue reading
I sure wish I had one of these yummy Cookies and Cream Cake Balls for breakfast this morning! Oh, don’t give me that…… you know very well that if you dig deep that you will admit to eating something decadent … Continue reading
We are almost a month into the New Year, and I know all of you are being so good on your New Year’s Resolution’s….. =) Or are you???? Have you fallen off the wagon already? That … Continue reading
The title says it all doesn’t it? You truly cannot go wrong when combining Oreo’s, Peanut Butter and Fudge, and these Oreo Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes will not disappoint! I promise! For those wishing for a Healthy Inspiration Tuesday … Continue reading
You can all blame PT’s 6th period class for the creation of Buckle up for this Sweet Ride “bitty bite” Oreo Cupcakes! Definitely Wicked Weekend worthy!!! What a name? Why not just call it mini oreo cupcakes? Come on….you know … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #8 I am in love and I want to scream it from the rooftops! No, I am not going to tell you how wonderful PT is. Although, he is pretty darn fantastic! Definitely a keeper, or as I … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #5 Should I be thankful that I baked up a storm the past few weekends? Yes….it means that I can still give you all the wicked decadence we call desserts, without sacrificing my new declaration of eating healthy. … Continue reading
Some memories just wrap themselves around you, bringing you right back to that point in time that is magical. When the memory surfaces everything comes rushing back to you, transporting you back into the moment. This happens to me whenever I think of buttercream frosting. … Continue reading
Here goes nothing….you only get one chance to make the first impression. I have been hemming and hawing about doing a blog. I don’t know why, even if no one else sees it, it is a chance to post recipes, … Continue reading