Can you believe it is already August? Literally feels like we blinked and June and July passed us by……. I hope you have had a great summer so far! Some of you may even have kids that are starting back … Continue reading
Can you believe it is already August? Literally feels like we blinked and June and July passed us by……. I hope you have had a great summer so far! Some of you may even have kids that are starting back … Continue reading
Did you all know that today is National Chocolate Pudding Day? Seriously!!! I love these days focused on one particular food or food group! How fun! In honor of National Chocolate Pudding Day I have teamed up with Kozy Shack … Continue reading
Are you baking up a storm, getting ready for Christmas next week? Hard to believe it is only 7 days away!! EEEEKKKK! I still have tons of gifts to buy and make! Why did I wait until the last minute??? … Continue reading
I hope you all had a great week and are ready to dive into the weekend! It’s a shame that the weekend consists of only 2 days. Don’t even have to ask, I know you all agree with me! {Sigh} … Continue reading
One little Food with a Whole Lot of Nutrition!! When I was contacted to review the cookbook, Vegan Beans from Around the World by Kelsey Kinser, I was all over it! We all want to eat healthier, right? I know … Continue reading
Do you all remember the Slutty Brownies that were an internet sensation a few years back? A few weeks ago I kicked them up a notch by adding in crushed Butterfingers, and all I can say is WOW! They were … Continue reading
Today I am teaming up with some amazing foodie bloggers to give you all this sinfully delicious Valentine Dessert Roundup! Can you guess my contribution??? Do you do anything special for Valentine’s Day, or is it one of those ‘manufactured’ … Continue reading
This post is written on behalf of Pillsbury. All views expressed are that of my own. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Peanut Butter, Caramel Sauce, Melted Chocolate, Crushed Pretzels and Vanilla Ice Cream. Did I miss anything? Oh yeah….this … Continue reading
The title says it all doesn’t it? You truly cannot go wrong when combining Oreo’s, Peanut Butter and Fudge, and these Oreo Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes will not disappoint! I promise! For those wishing for a Healthy Inspiration Tuesday … Continue reading
Salted Caramel Peanut Butter Cup Blossoms {Wicked Weekend} Who doesn’t love chocolate, peanut butter and caramel? Separately they are delicious and truly tempt the pallet; all three combined seriously send the taste buds into overdrive. Remember what I said about … Continue reading
Fun ‘Fetti Ice Cream Pizza—-definitely a Wicked Weekend kind of recipe! Have you ever drawn a blank on what to make for a party or get together? I had zero inspiration flowing through my body….walking around holding a brownie box, … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #13….a little late! What a whirlwind of a week! B and I had a great time in Nashville…. Helped my sister out at the YWCA Celebrity Auction at the CMA Fest. They netted over $80,000 for great programs helping women … Continue reading
Wicked Weekend #12 I am so excited for this day! B and I are heading down to Brentwood, TN! Purpose of our trip——-hockey, of course! When doesn’t our life revolve around hockey! Benefit——I get to see my sister, celebrate my … Continue reading