Can you believe it is already August? Literally feels like we blinked and June and July passed us by……. I hope you have had a great summer so far! Some of you may even have kids that are starting back … Continue reading
Can you believe it is already August? Literally feels like we blinked and June and July passed us by……. I hope you have had a great summer so far! Some of you may even have kids that are starting back … Continue reading
Merry Christmas Eve everyone! This is the day where most of us are running around trying to tie up loose ends for tomorrow. My family is still snuggled under the covers, but for some reason my internal clock said to … Continue reading
I hope you all had an amazing weekend! Do you ever have a weekend where you just putter around, doing a little of this and a little of that? This was my weekend! I worked out in the yard for … Continue reading
Did you all know that today is National Chocolate Pudding Day? Seriously!!! I love these days focused on one particular food or food group! How fun! In honor of National Chocolate Pudding Day I have teamed up with Kozy Shack … Continue reading
I hope you are all having a great week! We are passed the hurdle and the weekend is right around the corner! YEAH!!! It seems like I am a little…. okay A LOT….. behind these days. Doesn’t help when our … Continue reading
I hope you all are having an amazing week! No matter how well it is going ……. TGIT!!! I think Thursday’s may be my all-time favorite day of the week! We have been freezing our heinie’s off down here in … Continue reading
Last weekend we celebrated PT’s birthday. His big day fell on a Saturday, making for a very lazy morning in bed! Although if truth be told I don’t think he needs an excuse to sleep in on the weekends. 😉 … Continue reading
I don’t know about you, but I have had a problem eating breakfast since my college days at Purdue. Back then my breakfast included a can of Diet Mt. Dew or Diet Pepsi….. maybe even two cans if it had … Continue reading
Are you baking up a storm, getting ready for Christmas next week? Hard to believe it is only 7 days away!! EEEEKKKK! I still have tons of gifts to buy and make! Why did I wait until the last minute??? … Continue reading
Did you do any Black Friday shopping yesterday? I did not…..as I prefer the comfort of my home…..and tend to do most of my shopping online, so Cyber Monday is right up my alley! I have an awesome treat for … Continue reading
Some days just require a creamy…..rich…..velvety smooth bite of heaven! Other days may require more than just one bite. Know what I mean? 😉 Don’t you agree that the simpler the cheesecake the better? Letting the fresh cream cheese stand … Continue reading
I hope you all had a great week and are ready to dive into the weekend! It’s a shame that the weekend consists of only 2 days. Don’t even have to ask, I know you all agree with me! {Sigh} … Continue reading
One little Food with a Whole Lot of Nutrition!! When I was contacted to review the cookbook, Vegan Beans from Around the World by Kelsey Kinser, I was all over it! We all want to eat healthier, right? I know … Continue reading