I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I am loving the slightly cooler days that we are enjoying in Southwest Ohio….. This super easy industrial bookcase came together because I was in desperate need of some storage. When we … Continue reading
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I am loving the slightly cooler days that we are enjoying in Southwest Ohio….. This super easy industrial bookcase came together because I was in desperate need of some storage. When we … Continue reading
Can you believe it is already August? Literally feels like we blinked and June and July passed us by……. I hope you have had a great summer so far! Some of you may even have kids that are starting back … Continue reading
Just a few words on this gorgeous Sunday morning….. Being woken up in the middle of the night is not fun! Having it happen two nights in a row is just plain RUDE! Having to call ‘911’ the second night … Continue reading
I have to admit I am totally over this weather that we are having…..
……..65/70 degrees one day
……..snow and hail the next
…..and then it turns to rain and very strong winds!
And sometimes we have all 3 in the same day!
K came home last Thursday night proclaiming that Ohio is the craziest, as he drove through 3 different weather fronts traveling from Toledo to Oxford!
Just thankful that he made it home safely; I just laughed with him and gave him the biggest hug he would allow!
I am craving warm, consistent temperatures!
Speaking of K…….he has a new obsession!
Somehow this kid of mine has “found” old records.
He sent me a text asking if his grandparents would happen to have any vinyl records, and “oh yeah……do you think they still have a record player”?
The day he arrived home, a record player arrived from Amazon.
I guess his grandparents no longer had their record players! 😉
I have to admit that it is cool hearing the sounds of my youth coming from the basement!
In other news……..
This book is amazing! I did not want it to end. Ever since I went with PT and his students on a WWII trip overseas last Spring, I have been reading everything that I can with this theme.
Isabel and Emmy tore at my heart, and if I was honest…..I wanted to throttle Julia at times! But how can you throttle a young child?! They are supposed to be thorns in their siblings side!
But that is what makes a great read…..one that brings your emotions to the highest of highs…..
……and then brings you screaming to a halt, huddled in your comfy chair with tears streaming down your face. This book makes you “feel”, and I highly recommend it!
BTW, I did learn something new in this book!
I had no idea that a million children were evacuated from the city to live with foster families for the duration of the war! WOW!
Speaking of books, why not turn your favorite book page into a work of art!
Photo credit: Kristin @ The Painted Hive
I think this DIY artwork can brighten/give meaning to any room in the house. Kristen is offering a few oversized book page quote artwork that you can download for FREE!
Photo credit: Kelley Nan
Seeing these built-ins surrounding the window in Kelley’s office, make me not only drool a little……but make me dream a little dream thinking I could have these in our den! Gorgeous!
I loved reading this post on taking creative photos. Made me view things a little differently in our home!
Do you think this is true? You’re a completely different person at 14 and 77 years old…….
Have you all heard about Everything But the House? It is an online auction site, where you can bid on everyday items, furniture, jewelry, art, and just about anything that you can think of. The head board and foot board pictured above…..
…….I picked it up from the Cincinnati #ebth yesterday afternoon!!!
My very first bid that I WON! Yeah me!
I have been on this site on and off over the past couple of years.
Have even bid a few times….
…….but then either forgot about the auction (life does have a way of getting in the way) or was out bid.
Not this time!
This is a full size frame that we will eventually put in B’s room. His current bed frame is sitting in the storage room, a little too bulky for his small room, and I promised PT that I would either sell it or give it away…..by next Friday!
Which happens to be trash day! 😉
The deals I have to make just to bid on a new (to me) piece of furniture! LOL!
I couldn’t resist all of the lines and character this #ebth frame has! What convinced me even more?
It dates back to the 1860’s!
Photo credit: Sally’s Baking Addiction
I do believe that I am going to have to make this Sky High Chocolate Mousse Pie for PT….
……..just for putting up with all of my wild ideas and dreaming!
I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. Mine so far has been filled with pulling out all the Christmas boxes, deciding what needs to come out for display, and then leaving the rest of the mess in the … Continue reading
I brought my baby to college yesterday, and just like with oldest child (you can read that letter here), I decided to leave him a letter in his desk drawer to find at some point in time these first few … Continue reading
Hey all! I have been loving the weather we’ve been having in the little ‘O’ early this week! Record highs in the 60’s and 70’s. I seriously wanted to play hooky from work and just sit outside….. face … Continue reading
Can you believe it is February? ……..and it is already the 7th? Me neither!! January just flew right by, not even giving me a chance to grab onto its coat tails and enjoy the scenic ride! I know……that was … Continue reading
Happy New Year! Are you still writing 2015 on all your documents? LOL! It usually takes me until the end of January to get with the program and write down the correct year……. …….BUT for some strange reason, … Continue reading
Merry Christmas Eve everyone! This is the day where most of us are running around trying to tie up loose ends for tomorrow. My family is still snuggled under the covers, but for some reason my internal clock said to … Continue reading
I still might be the last one to have zero xmas decorations up! Or am I? There has to be someone else out there who has been super busy……. and hasn’t had time to even think about it. Okay, let … Continue reading
I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving with family and/or friends! My parents are down for a few days, and PT’s Mom and significant other were able to join us for the day yesterday. Great day with lots of … Continue reading
Are you rushing around getting ready for Thanksgiving? This may be my most favorite holiday….. ……a time for family, appreciation and being thankful for everything that we are blessed with in our lives…..no matter how small! One item that … Continue reading