I hope you all had a great weekend! I did a lot of house cleaning on Saturday …… sneaking in a little Notre Dame/Purdue football …..BOO on the outcome!….. knowing that Sunday would find me MIA! What did I do? … Continue reading
I hope you all had a great weekend! I did a lot of house cleaning on Saturday …… sneaking in a little Notre Dame/Purdue football …..BOO on the outcome!….. knowing that Sunday would find me MIA! What did I do? … Continue reading
This one is for my Mom, who thinks I am nuts for combining 2 different fabrics to make a shower curtain, AND suspending the whole thing from the ceiling. Phewww! That was a mouthful!! Well, we all know that I … Continue reading
This time of year is a mixed bag of emotions…..we are all complaining that summer is over and how fast it went by, but we are also doing a little happy dance as our children are heading back to school! … Continue reading
TGIF! This may be the first time that I have wished a week to fly by! I can’t believe I just said that! Trust me….it will be the only week that I count down the days. On second thought…..I have … Continue reading
I hope all of you had a wonderful, relaxing weekend! Much to PT’s dismay I keep trying to make our backyard shed “cute”. If you follow along on Facebook, you will remember that I asked you to help me decide … Continue reading
Hi! I hope you all had a great weekend! We had a very quiet one filled with snow, ice …. with a few hockey games sprinkled in for good measure. I love weekends where there isn’t much going on, and … Continue reading
I have done a few tutorials on how to use Picmonkey, but with the holidays upon us I thought it would be fun to do something different! Holidays, at least to me, represent many social gatherings with family and friends. … Continue reading
Do you ever see something in a magazine, or on the internet, and instantly know that you will be recreating it? Something about it just speaks to you, even calling your name? You know exactly where it will go … Continue reading
Creative Photo Display using Crib Springs! Yep, you heard me right! I know you still have a crib hanging out in the attic or storage room waiting for sweet baby #2, #3 or even #4! Yes? No? Maybe! Heck, I … Continue reading
Once upon a time, I saved some gorgeous doors from having an unlikely meet up with the garbage man…….Rumpke. These doors were off of K’s first chest of drawers, and saw quite the beating from my young man! I believe … Continue reading
Gotta love it when you can repurpose an item that had just been hanging around taking up valuable space collecting dust! I originally bought this open-backed picture frame ions ago, creating a cork board with it. Loved the frame……hated it … Continue reading
You all know my love affair with Subway Art! Since learning how to do it myself I have made countless artwork for our house, as well as giving them as gifts to family and friends! I love it! They can … Continue reading
I am so happy Christmas is over! I know that sounds weird, but seriously……I have been on pins and needles waiting for everyone to open the gifts I made so that I could finally share this project with you! The … Continue reading