Happy New Year! Are you still writing 2015 on all your documents? LOL! It usually takes me until the end of January to get with the program and write down the correct year……. …….BUT for some strange reason, … Continue reading
Happy New Year! Are you still writing 2015 on all your documents? LOL! It usually takes me until the end of January to get with the program and write down the correct year……. …….BUT for some strange reason, … Continue reading
I can finally breathe! I believe that there has been enough time and space to recover from the kitchen cabinet “rehaul” that started back in the late Spring. Sometimes when you are in the thick of things, and it keeps … Continue reading
I hope you are all ready for a great week ahead! I actually had to change that from, “I hope you all had a great week”! Started this post last week, and never got around to finishing it up….story of … Continue reading
I hope you all are looking forward to the weekend that is just around the corner! 😉 I am heading North to visit with my parents…….with the additional bonus of seeing B there as well! He had this weekend with … Continue reading
I hope you all are having a great week and looking forward to the weekend that is just around the corner! I can’t wait for Friday night to roll around, as B is coming home for a visit. It is … Continue reading
I started a project a few weeks ago that seems to be taking on a life of its own. You know the type! It’s the one that dominos into another….. and another…. and another…. …..until you have either lost your … Continue reading