You heard it here first~I detest the month of October! Double standard……as I adore everything about the Fall season! It wouldn’t be so bad if we only had to survive the Christmas decorations tempting us from every aisle. Nope, now … Continue reading
You heard it here first~I detest the month of October! Double standard……as I adore everything about the Fall season! It wouldn’t be so bad if we only had to survive the Christmas decorations tempting us from every aisle. Nope, now … Continue reading
What Does it Feel Like to Have Cancer ~ Part 3 {Final} Yesterday was a very rough day for most of us. 9/11 brings out so many emotions in all of us. I know exactly where I was when the … Continue reading
I hope everyone is up for round #2. You won’t hurt my feelings if you delete or ignore this, I completely understand. I am doing this for me, not you. Each word I write is a seed being planted, waiting … Continue reading
My deadline has arrived. I know that you all have been on the edges of your seats waiting for this post. Yes, get a grip! Most of you won’t even read this, and I don’t blame you. It is depressing … Continue reading
It is an absolutely gorgeous day today! I was able to roll over, open my eyes, look at the clock, and “oh shit crap”……we are going to be late for school/work!! How does this happen? Did I shut the alarm without realizing … Continue reading
Today marks my anniversary (or some people say birthday) of being cancer free for three years. There is so much that I want to say, but struggling to put it on paper. I have so many emotions swirling around. This … Continue reading
Thankful Thursday! Imagine the possibilities. Imagine is my favorite word, and can be found visibly in my house and in my life. There is so much hope that is conveyed in this single word….like John Lennon’s famous song ‘Imagine’. The official … Continue reading