One Word for 2013


Tempting Thyme

I have spent a lot of time lately thinking about the new year upon us.

I am a sucker for new beginnings, clean slates, and dreaming up a million things that I should implement for the coming year………but know that there is really no point because the majority of them won’t last past the month of January. This year needs a new approach and focus!

I actually had a long post going……but in reading it over, deleted every single word of it.

Every….. Single….. Word!

I was going on and on about how hard the past 2 years have been, and the toll that the cancer, and adjunct medicine I am currently taking has taken on my body and mind.  Blah ….Blah ….Blah ….Blah!!  No one wants to hear it, least of all me.  We all have something going on in our lives!  With the good comes bad, and vice versa.  Our actions are a CHOICE we make on a daily basis! We choose to let the little things annoy and bother us!  We choose to be depressed that our bodies are changing the older we get, instead of making small changes to adapt.  See where I am going with all of this?

For my brand spanking New Year, I choose HEALTH!     That is right, for me 2013 represents one word…….HEALTH!

It is not a resolution!  I fail at resolutions, and then tend to spend the next few months beating myself up over it!  Guess what?  I am a 44 year old woman who is tired of being my biggest enemy!


What does the word HEALTH mean to me?

  • Healthy Mind- I take things to personally, and analyze everything…..over and over again!  A small item can take over my mind for days, and sometimes even weeks.  This crazy thinking allows fatigue to envelope my soul, and I am choosing to work on my stress level.  This will be the hardest habit for me to break, but I am tackling it with a vengeance.  I don’t know what measures I will take, this will be a work in progress, but I will be starting with walking and yoga stretching….but may even get back into the pool at Miami (although this would take me buying a membership, as I learned last year that I cannot handle the late hour of 8pm when the Master’s Program started….lol!).
  • Healthy Body- I learned this year that my body feels best when I eliminate most carbohydrates.  I dabbled in Juicing, and created some awesome smoothie recipes.  I am not saying that I am giving up carbs all together, but I will be looking at healthier alternatives and approaches in cooking!  No worries, Wicked Weekend will still be making appearances.  I have a great love for the kitchen, and baking is a huge part of this.  Bottom line….baking makes me happy (and remember, I am working on my Mind as well).

The above may sound lame and weak to most of you, but I know that I need to do small things, gradually to have lasting impact on my life.  I have always been an all or nothing kind of gal……which is why I am my worst enemy!  Every thing I do in 2013, I will be asking myself how it benefits myself.  If it doesn’t benefit me in any shape or fashion, I will not be doing it!  What I also know is that I will be giving myself goals each month.  We are not talking lofty goals, but small ones such as making the time to read books, heading on over to Houston Woods to navigate some of the walking trails, having a pedicure (can you believe I have never had one?  I may be the only female in America who hasn’t had a pedicure….lol!).  All of these will be focused on taking care of myself, because we all know that a happy wife/mom = very happy husband and kids.

Does this new motto mean less crafts and DIY projects?  Heck no….. my mind is swirling with projects and ideas…..just need to tame them a bit…..and not be frazzled with the mess I leave in my wake!!  What’s my tagline again?  Oh yeah……..

Reinventing Life…….One Creative Chaos at a Time!

Happy New Year everyone!  We are all going to have a fantastic, blessed 2013!


6 thoughts on “One Word for 2013

  1. So eloquently stated, Sis! A healthier self (mind, body and soul) is my goal for 2013 as well! Your February goal can be that first time pedicure before we head to the beach (another goal – make time for self)!

    Love you! D.

  2. Happy New Year, Shaunna! One of your monthly goals should be meeting Chrissy and I in Indy for a day of scrapbooking and catching up! I’m the other female who hasn’t had a pedicure, but that’s okay….it’s too cold to be showing our toes right now anyway! Great post, I’ve been having the same thoughts recently (replace your cancer with my just plain eating poorly and being fat)…..I may just have to follow your lead on this one! Happy, HEALTHY New Year!

    • It is definitely one of my goals, a day of scrapping and catching up is something I need regularly. Let me get thru hockey season and I will be good to go. I would love it if you would join me in the word year……health. It is time for you and I to take charge of ourselves!!!

  3. Live it! We can all benefit from action on the little things. Let’s condition our minds to look beyond those events that get under our skin but, in the grand scheme of things, are trivial. Let’s take time for mentally and physically healthful leisure, a good book, a quiet walk. Let’s build healthier eating habits and let’ find more quality time to nurturing loving relations with family and friends.

    A happy, healthy and fulfilling New Year to all.

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